Recent US/Mid Atlantic Reads

Video Narration


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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's been one trailblazing year for us the year a new clinical reality came to life for so many people around the globe through the lens of the smartphone camera crew is developing technology designed to provide real time diagnosis of vision disorders and personalized vision correction in a single wearable device. They'll contact you to schedule an appointment. We can provide flexible scheduling options to meet your needs At the scheduled date and time the moving specialist will call you to complete the virtual consultation. It's been an eventful year. And how do we sum it up? We're on the road to scan 500,000 patients And all our current tests have accumulated to 10,000 L of P which can fill the gas tank of 150 cars. Yeah. Which will go nowhere because cars don't run on P. Yet. That's a challenge for next year.