Children's audio-book


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the big friendly giant, the BfG flung open a massive covered and took out the weirdest looking thing. So if he had ever seen it was about half a long again is an ordinary man but was much thicker. It was this thick around its girth as a perambulations. It was black, with white stripes along its length, and it was covered all over with course novels. Here is the repulsion, snows, Cumber cried, the bfg waving it about. I squabble it. I miss spies. It I this pun jit. But because I is refusing to gobble up human beings like the other giants, I must spend my life guzzling up. Keep, Oh, Snows Cumbers instead. If I don't, I'll be nothing but skin and groans. You mean skin and bones, Sophie said. I know it is bones, the BFG said, but please understand. I cannot be helping it. If I sometimes is saying things a little squiggly, why is trying my very best all the time, the big, friendly giant look suddenly so forlorn that Sophie got quite upset? I'm sorry, she said. I didn't mean to be rude. There never was any schools to teach me talking in giant country B F. G. Said sadly. But couldn't jump. Mother have told you? Sophie asked. More. Mother cried the bfg. Chileans don't have mothers fully. You is knowing that I did not know that. So if he said, whoever heard of a woman giant shouted the bfg, waving the snows cumber around his head like Ella Sue. There never was a woman giant on it never will be one giant. She's always men. Sophie found herself getting a little modeled in that case, she said, How were you Born? Giants isn't born, the BFG answered. Giants appears, and that's all there is to it. They simply appears the same as the sun and stars. And when did you appear so fast? Now, how on earth would I be knowing a thing like that? Said the BfG. It was so long ago I couldn't count. You mean you don't even know how old you are? No joint is knowing that the BfG said all eyes. Knowing about myself is that I was very old, very, very old. And Crumb plea. Perhaps his old is the earth. What happens when a giant dies? Sophie asked. Giants is never dying. B F G answered sometimes, and quite suddenly a giant is disappearing. Nobody's ever knowing where he goes to, but mostly US giants is simply going on and on, like with C time Twizzlers.