Dial Down The Heat

Profile photo for Ali Mwangola
Not Yet Rated


WWF was launching an environmental awareness campaign on social media and I was cast to do the narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as global citizens go about their daily activities. Our world is slowly and surely dying. Your actions could be contributing to killing our planet every day. Our negative environmental actions slowly and cumulatively contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases, which makes the Earth get progressively warmer. It's predicted the Earth's temperature could rise by up to two degrees by the year 2040. The continuous and long term rise of temperatures on the Earth's surface results in global warming. Consequently, the planet is experiencing severe effects of climate change, flash floods, frequent heat waves, extreme temperatures, erratic rainfall and intense storms. Amongst other effects are some of the challenges experienced in modern times today. The effects of climate change are felt right across the planet and greatly affect humans, nature and unique ecosystems. Globally, Kenya is no exception. Severe effects of climate change are here with US droughts, erratic rainfall patterns and floods are being experienced. These have had negative impact on food security, increased health risks, dented economic gains, destroyed infrastructure and much more. The wanton cutting down of trees and deforestation degradation have made the situation more worse. That's because the carbon dioxide that the trees would normally store is released into the atmosphere, turning up the heat even more. Along the Kenyan coast. Indigenous and mangrove forests play a vital role in absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Mangrove forests also improve resilience to coastal erosion actors, habitats for fish and other marine species. The rise in global sea temperature results in the rising of the sea levels, which increases risk of flooding and destruction of coastal human settlements. If climate change is not acted upon now, the economy and livelihoods of Kenyan communities could be completely destroyed. To protect our way of life, we need to put a stop to our negative actions and quickly begin repairing the damage caused. WWF Kenya is implementing a programme in Kenya's coast to combat climate change. The coastal Kenya programme is championing this cause by engaging with local communities and training them in areas such as proper waste disposal, reducing emissions, saving energy and acting against forest loss. For Kenya's coastal communities to retain their way of life, we need to dial down on the activities that are contributing to climate change. As Kenyans, we must dial down the heat. You can help by supporting the hashtag dial down the heat initiative, visit our website www dot WWF kenya dot org and donate. The time for climate action is now