Ali Wilder - Commercial Demo

Video Narration


My commercial demo is a quick audio peek at some of the variety I can bring to your spots with deliveries that range from upscale announcer to mom and best friend, I can bring your copy to life!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you wearing pants right now? Probably not. Does it matter? Definitely not. If you're stuck at home or if you're on your way to take five oil change, if you're not wearing pants, we'd never know. Look around, nothing's the same. The landscape is unsettled. The rules. There are no rules. This is uncharted territory and we'll respond the only way we know how we'll play to our strength. So here you are strapped in and ready to roll loads to do lots of deadlines, you know, are coming. Even if you're not exactly sure when each one of them is, let's take a deep breath with some of the world's best teachers in online yoga, meditation and Pilates. Commitment means something a little different to Ikon pass holders with access to mountain adventures on five continents. We use any excuse we can to get out there and get it.