Explainer Video for Jasper PIM



TV Commercial that sounds real, mom, believable, authentic, relatable, genuine, conversational, down to earth, easygoing, animated, enthusiastic, natural, fun, mother, girl next door, sincere, friendly, intelligent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Mrs Wix, owner of the small business, the delicious scandal. Her business was running smoothly until a viral post for her edible candles made order volume explode, more orders made keeping track of inventory a serious problem. Mrs Wix quickly realized she needed help. Jasper Pim was just what she needed to extinguish the fire. A pimp is a product information management system designed to improve e commerce operations with Jasper Pim, you can more easily centralize merchandise and synchronize your product data throughout your e commerce business. Jasper Pim helps you save significant time and money by merchandizing your products efficiently while enhancing your e commerce listing, which includes Shopify stores and more. If that wasn't enough, our Pimp takes automation to the next level. We designed part of our Pim, the ultralight and light specifically for small businesses that are looking to scale, stay on top of inventory and streamline their e commerce listings ready to get started. Our free trial and educational tutorials will help you blaze through setup. Sign up for your free trial and guide a demonstration today