Blog Narration

Profile photo for Alyssa DeLoach
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Reading ABSDTravel[.]com Blog.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


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travel allows us to see outside of our world and into someone else's now, I don't necessarily think traveling to Nicaragua is everyone's jam, but it is a beautiful country with incredibly beautiful people. It also has a lot of crime, a lot of hunger and a lot of people without homes. I will go back one day to visit and to experience the country again. But as an adult in my life I have seen and experienced amazing things. Nicaragua being one of them. Every time I have traveled I learned a new lesson that I can bring home with me and carry with me through my life. Oftentimes this is more about life itself than the logistics of traveling. Nicaragua taught me a lot, but the main lesson is love. We are loved always. It does not matter the car you drive, the house, you live in the size of your body. You are loved. You have always been loved. You will always be loved. Whenever you need a reminder of that you call me, I will remind you of how much you are loved and the world needs you travel gives us the opportunity to learn incredible lessons