Explainer Video Voice Over (English)



Explainer Video Voice Over for the clients YouTube. They wanted my English Accent which is American.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Danish North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
public hygiene has never been more on the agenda than today. In a world where we have each become aware of the importance of thinking about ourselves and the people we interact with. Clean Mark has taken the step further. Clean Mark has made disinfection easy for everyone with ingenuity, creativity and technology integrated into a product that focuses on human health and well being. We break the chains of bacteria before they develop. Instead of relying on individual habits and discipline, Clean Mark slows down the spread of the main source. Good health should never depend on the cleanliness of others, which is why we've made disinfection mandatory for everyone with clean marks. Door handles that can be mounted on any door. We've made handspring and disinfection mandatory for everyone. It prevents the spread of disease, creates well being and promotes the health of all of us. Clean mark, innovative door handles can prevent a possible spread of infection from developing in the wrong direction. The door handle is designed solely for the purpose of stopping bacteria and chains of infection. Whatever it starts in a clinic, a restaurant or an office Care and health have never been more important. COVID-19 has taught us that take care of yourself, your family and your colleagues with clean Marks. Health Revolution product created by us for you