Secrets of a Rose Audiobook

Profile photo for Amanda McCloskey
Not Yet Rated


Current production of Secrets of a Rose Audiobook

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A blinding glare bounces off the sequined fabric and into my eyes, Pulling me out of tripping thoughts. Often, usually moments where my body is still. It's as if something grabs ahold of me and drags me to places not of my choosing. It started when I was a child. One minute I'll be daydreaming and the next strange visions hold my mind hostage before the glare saves me. I find myself in a place. My mind takes me constantly. A cliff leading to a blanket of profuse fog, though nothing is clear to me. I know I'm higher than I've ever been or whatever like to be the only other thing around is another being. But as many times as I visit the cliff, I never learned. He stands beside me, pulling myself back into the sitting room. I desperately want to close the drapes cutting off the light, but knowing everyone will surely protest, I keep still.