Inspire to Empower

Profile photo for Grace Williams
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Weekly radio motivational segments of Inspire to Empower.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mhm. This is inspired to empower with me amazing grace on the Philly go flow. The grown folks grew today. I want to talk about self awareness, which is having a clear perception of who you are, your personality, your strength, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation and emotion. Self awareness is the first step in creating what you want and mastering it to your life, where you focus your attention, your emotions, reactions. Personality behavior determines where you go in life. It allows you to make the changes in your life that you want until you are aware in the moment you will have difficulty making changes in the direction of your life. There are some ways to develop and improve yourself. Awareness. One. Focus on your goals. Don't get easily distracted to pay attention to your thought by thinking positively. So if you see your thoughts going in another direction, bring it back. Three. Observe how you react to people. Places are thing. Remember what is important to you, such as your peace, your happiness, love fulfillment, family. Some of these steps will help you release the false beliefs of yourself, negative thoughts and the emotions from your best getting to know yourself again. It's a process, and getting to like and love yourself is a daily discipline renewing your mind. This is inspired to empower with your midweek motivation. Thank you for listening, and you all have a wonderful and blessed week. God bless. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach me at Amazing a m a Z in grace. G r A c E Enterprise e N T E R P R I S E L L C at gmail dot com You can also visit my website, which is www dot amazing a m a z n Grace g r A c enterprise. E n T R P R I S E l c dot com Thank you. Mhm Bernie Girlfriend, phony girlfriend, girlfriend girlfriend