Theatre Pre-show announcement

Video Narration


Theatre announcement demonstrating professional and inviting tone before the show.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to the Cloverdale Performing Arts Centers New Work Festival of Injustice 2020. This event is a fundraiser to help keep CPAC alive as well as a wonderful way to give back to those who are fighting injustice on a regular basis. The performance you are about to see has been done by local volunteers from the North Bay. Playwrights were given the topic of injustice in July and produced these 10 to 20 minute pieces in a matter of weeks. Each story is a different perspective on injustice as interpreted by the playwright. Once they received their scripts, the directors were challenged to find a creative way to bring these original works toe life while maintaining the guidelines of shelter in place. Thank you for joining us as we traverse these uncharted waters together and find a way to bring new work and theater to you during this pandemic. Stay tuned after the show when we're joined by the director, cast and playwright for a post show, talk back thanks again and enjoy the show