DEMO 1 - E-Book: Mr. Darcy Broke My heart [1st POV]

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It's a simple book reading. No frills just clarity.

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Teen (13-17)


Filipino (Tagalog)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello, everyone. These demo is for Elektronik books I'm reading, Mr Darcy Broke My Heart by Best Pavilion. The book is in the first person point of view. Officer mean here win and we be Chapter one in 12 tree. The taxi pulled up outside Christ Church and I climbed out off the back seat, but the scorching July heat sold my breath and threatened to press me back. Inside the cup, I swiped at the sweat, dripping down my forehead and right at myself on the pavement. When my sister talked me into taking her spot in the summer seminar on Pride and Prejudice, I'd expect that the dreaming spires of Oxford intellectual conversation and long walks along the trunk Ill Reaper haven't expected to read, soaked with perspiration and deeply in need of a shower, all because of my sister's obsession with one Fitzwilliam Darcy. It's a gateway. Beanie Stomped Our Christ Church means entrance, and one of its most distinctive features would look at home with a drawbridge in the moat. Ah, particulates at a minimum. But the mortar inhabitants of the college had made do with some Roth iron as their loan defense against the real world. I paid the driver and wrestled my skates from the taxi. It landed on the ground next to me with an army, was stunned, squared by shoulders, took a very deep breath and move forward. Sweat frequent down my spine. Good morning s crying. You know, age men in some sort of a uniform stepped forward. Welcome to the Church of Christ Human Emotion Me through the gate which led me to a passage cut through the building itself. It was a good 15 feet across and believe in cobblestones. The left was some kind of office. Assign identified it as supporters much Thank you. I passed and sure where to go straight through and through the left you'll seize your registration table. His face was feathered, but it's cheaper tone and bright blue. I spoke often. Abundance your energy, He winked. Just love your case here and someone will take it into your room. Enjoy your state. Joy may stay. I swallowed the bark of laughter in nice route. I was here under Duris against my better judgment and out of desperation and diamond might be too lofty a cool I felt the borders instruction and step out of the cool shadow off the gateway into, told me, quote the heart of the college itself. The walls of the buildings formed a large open square in front of me, and a Reno of golden stone punctuated the elegant torches within Zaurus and more mole Iand windows on the opposite side, I could see the entrance of the cathedral that gives the college its name and erased gave walkway that formed a square of its own. Just inside the walls in the center of the ward, gravel walks Reese crossed with an elegant fountain completely do the statue off Mercury at their meeting point Christ Church, the holy off holies within Oxford University and the last place on Earth I've never thought to find myself.