The Cynfull voice



This is the trailer episode of my podcast which is in an audio book narrative of my personal blog, scripted by myself. I chose the narrative styles as a sample for audio books.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello there for you. I am Santy Elin Woods. You can call me Sin for short. Let me tell you a funny thing. You know there are many who consider my existence as a sin. That's the way how the world around me works. Don't get me wrong, Kazaam. Not here. Seeking for your sympathy. I am just being honest. And I hope that you are aware. Have honesty can taste more bitter. Ban Sweet. Most of the times you might be puzzled by the above statement, but that's how it has been. That's how it is. And maybe that's how it will be for me or as other say, for someone like me. A woman of my kind is not even considered a woman. Now let me break the ice for you. I am called by different names. Have heard most of them if not all of them. But just a woman is not one of them. Well, sometimes I'm called a woman, but the world trance is always there before it I am a transform. Or at least that is what I am labelled to be. And this is my storey, my storey of a blissful childhood a teen each full or struggle pain, suppression, oppression, depression and defeat at an adulthood full of hope for victory in this lifetime. Hi, I am not that old DC and just a three year old along with a couple of decades. If you are someone who knows me personally, it's a request to keep it civil. When you approach me to talk about it, I would really appreciate the secrecy. Take care.