
Profile photo for Angie Negus
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
preparing for their second strong tropical cyclone in a year. She reflected on what had brought her to this place, literally and figuratively. A short four years ago, her life was so different she had just arrived for her solo holiday in a small, touristy town that was a gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. Half asleep from the time zone difference. She approached the boat, not knowing how it would change. Her life changed her. Hi, I'm Scotty. Take up your shoes. Welcome aboard the tall, dark haired and broad shouldered Britt said as she followed his directions. He continued, and that's an a the skipper. And he pointed toward what appeared to be a middle aged surfer who raised his handed acknowledgement of her and said, Hey, with a distinct local Australian lilt, she wondered for a moment of his name or Antony or Anthony with her, without the H and it didn't matter. The shaggy blonde was disinterested in her and all of the passengers as he readied the vote to leave for the day