English Audiobook (Young Adult Fantasy Novel)



This is an excerpt from my audiobook, a young adult fantasy novel published in October 2021 (Conquering the Divide: The Legend of Barsicon).

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
their noses practically touched. Queen Raya could taste a sweat callused hands wrapped tight around her neck with every bit of strength she could muster. She called out to Qing Quentin. Her cries only made the general squeeze tighter. She grimaced in pain. Had homer already killed Quinton and Matilda after he murdered her. He might find mildred hiding in the bed by the strength of his grip and hatred in his eyes. One thing was certain General Thompson would not let go until she was dead. The faces of her family were the last Queen really wanted to envision. When her soul left her body, she replaced her killer's face with cherished memories of her husband and daughters, flashes of family dinners and playtime at the beach, close ups of their faces forever etched into her spirit. Unfortunately, they were not the last image she would see before darkness took hold. A man rushed into the room as she drew her final breath. In the end it was walter crows, stunned face imprinted in her mind, when the undulating aqua waves in Queen raise ocean eyes came to a final halt