Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


A collection of TV/Radio advertisements.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you think about it, a lot of life's little moments happen in the kitchen, families come together, we cook and unwind with friends and take time to catch up. It's the everyday space where meals are shared and memories made, create the kitchen that becomes the center of your home with a laura, Ashley kitchen collection. I guess you're really hungry. Huh? I bought you some new food. Rocky. I think you're gonna love it. Mm This is delectable. David, Nice choice of cuisine. What did you just talk? Why? Yes, it's just this meal is so staggeringly sensational that I simply couldn't hold it in. Oh well, can I have some fool? It's mine, but I bought it. I have the right to eat it too Well, we'll have to settle this. The old way to handle it. Mhm. He throws the right hook. Oh, he's down, he's and gentlemen, lazy ladies and gentlemen, he's down and I would. Mhm Box dog, dog food. So delicious. Even you'll fight for it. Makoni time passes a mini magazine available daily for Children packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts. There's a little bit of fun for everyone. Mako me, as long as the world is full of durable people will keep making durable fabrics. Cardura live durable New Year. New ways to veggie resolved to eat more veggies with Green Giant with all our tasty veggie swap ins products. Green Giant provides convenient ways to get more veggies on your table, eating well has never been easier or more delicious. A fresh new offering when the world needs a refresh most good roots nurtures nature and heels humans through gardening, grow with good roots. Mhm.