Aliens of The Seas



Aliens of The Seas

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the earth blanketed in water. The oceans are a veritable life support system, an alien world filled with wonder and discovery. Most of the planet's seas are unexplored by mankind. Without healthy oceans and the stunning diversity of marine life and microscopic inhabitants found within them, humankind would not survive. Unexpectedly adorned with the colours of the rainbow, these animals flourish, dancing and floating in the limitless blue as they conduct their daily lives, dominating an environment hostile to man. New species are discovered on virtually every expedition that seeks to uncover them. Some species, however, are so small and foreign that researchers are only now beginning to recognise and grasp their powerful connections to humans. We are now turning to the oceans for the source of advancement in human health and medicine. Every person, regardless of her proximity to the coast, is intrinsically dependent on the resources and services the ocean supplies. Leonid Maros and his team conduct cutting edge research on these elusive life forms that enable them to heal wounds in 2 to 4 hours with no scarring and even regenerate an elementary brain within a matter of days. Oddly enough, it is the simplest of organisms that provides the most insight into the complex brain and in the near future will undoubtedly inform a wide range of treatments for human disorders. Below the surface, unseen by the naked eye, thrives a litany of alien like creatures that may in fact hold the solutions to many of sciences. Most imminent questions join our team of scientists and divers as we explore the mysteries of the aliens of the seas.