Montage Reel

Profile photo for Anju Sharma
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Collection of work showcasing a broad spectrum of voice-over from Commercial, Travel Video, Documentary, Corporate Training, IVR to Kids Spot.

Vocal Characteristics




British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at Revlon. We believe that looking good means feeling good about yourself. That's what this callous day makeup video is all about. Moisture rises from the surface of the sea as water vapour and travels inward on wind mountains forced the moisture upwards. As it cools, it condenses into cloud and finally rain, the source of all fresh water. Travel to India and literal senses. Be stimulated by the fragrant spices and colourful saris, marvel at the magnificent temples and enjoy the festivals and fairs that are a central part of Indian life. Thank you for calling British Airways a proud member of the OneWorld Alliance. While you're waiting, we'd like to tell you about important reward services British Airways has to offer. You help discover the hidden secrets within the whimsical world of Wonderland. Using the white queen's looking glasses. Your guide. Make sure to keep your eyes wide open for a few things in Wonderland, or what they appear to be. Welcome to Barclays Stockbrokers Guide, where we will explore what shares are and how they affect us individually and the world economy. We live in