Ann Harris: 2023 Commercial Reel - 60 seconds

Online Ad


Composite commercial reel with a variety of styles: friendly, smart, conversational, enticing, luxurious. Thanks for listening!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Simple is honest. Simple is real simple, is what you want, especially in a delicious snack for your kids, jello simply good. The smartest grocery shoppers, they save big at walmart. No clipping coupons, no need to buy a bogo to get great. Prices are low price is the price at walmart. Want to brew better tea. Start with Tazo passion for a flavor. So good. Just one sip will have you head over heels. When you're a small business, you need more than just a data plan. You need a technology partner and a T. And T. Can be that partner, no matter how big or small your business, A T. And T. Mobilizing your world when you have allergies, it makes the welcome outdoors. Well less welcoming. Stick with the consistent allergy relief of Zyrtec so you can enjoy the outdoors. Again, Zyrtec.