Forget the Past — Motivational Speech

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This is a motivational speech I recorded for my YouTube channel.

Vocal Characteristics




African (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mhm mm. Hello guys, I'm kelvin and this is key and motivations. It's sad how people cling so much, even to the extent of thinking they are literally the leftovers of their past. The past is so important to them that they even forget their work. The opinions of their neighbors and other people matter so much that they doubt their value and importance, but that is not us. You can try the next hour. We are the choosers of our own paths, the builders of our own destinies, our own futures, whether we go left or right, it's a choice we make for ourselves. It's true. We don't decide what happens to us. We can't but how we feel and react to what happens to us is always our choice to make, how we react to the problems we face. It's always our choice to make. Mhm. Now guys, before we continue, before we go any further, if you were enjoying this video, hit the like button, enjoying our community by subscribing to the channel Now the who you are question will always be asked. Our choices in every instance, our choices in every hardship will determine the quality of our lives. The past is of no importance compared to the future. So let it go, leave it behind right now, it's time to decide who you really are and from this moment forward who you will be. Some people ask, why are bad things and negative people always come in my way. Carl Gustav Young, the founder of analytical psychology, once said, until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. You know, until we find out the why we do some things we do, we will never know the how to change for the better. You need to stay still for a minute, just for a minute and take a survey on your life. A survey on yourself. What are the behaviors, the actions and habits that are automatically run in your life? Point them out, Bring them before your awareness then and only then can you make physical changes to them? Real changes to your life with determination and consistency as your fewer, not only your life but also your mind. Your consciousness will be made new. Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. He who looks outside dreams, but he who looks inside our weeks carl young. Mhm. Yeah.