John Sanderford - Commercial

Profile photo for Aperture Talent
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics


English (North American)

Voice Age

Senior (55+)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How long have you had your car insurance? How long have I had my car insurance? I don't know. 8 10 years. I couldn't tell you, but things were a lot less expensive back then. If you're 50 or over, you should take a new look at your auto insurance. Maybe overpaid. Actually, that makes a lot of sense. Old policy. Old rates. And thanks to your experience behind the wheel, you might save $350 by switching to the AARP auto insurance program from the Hartford Plus. You'll get benefits that reward your driving record like our promise that you won't be dropped weight. You won't drop seriously. That's right. You won't be dropped. I'm gonna call if you're 50 or over. Call now to request your free quote. I'm calling. I'm calling request. Your free quote will send you a free calculator. 8882844616 Call today and make the switch to the AARP auto Insurance program from the Hartford