English , call center experience, make people agree and sales .

Profile photo for Sabir Hussain
Not Yet Rated
Voice Assistant


I am trying to sale vehicle insurance on a number and offering different companies quotes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, my name is John. I'm calling you from us Auto Care. How are you? Uh The reason of my call is to let you know that insurance rates have been dropped down up to 35%. Would you be interested having cheapest rates from us? No, I'm not asking you to buy anything from me. Uh, what I'm doing is um, I'm just having some uh concerns from your site. Uh I'm offering some quotations and you can uh keep these quotations for future reference. Ok. Uh by submitting your information, you agree to receive communication via pre-recorded auto calls and the best part is your consent is not required to buy anything from us. What I'm doing is I'm transferring this call to some uh one of my uh insurance agent and they will assist you further. Thank you very much. Thanks.