AARP Millennial Video



This voice over project was done for AARP's Millennial campaign video. I performed the narrator vocals.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's no secret as millennials come of age, we're reimagining traditional life milestones. We're confronting important issues such as racial injustice, equality and climate change. With insistent urgency, AARP understands the evolving needs for our generation and is invested in our push for social impact and change. What the sort of aging in therapy is trying to do is find out what we can do to bridge some of the needs of newer generations of emerging audiences and bring that into a peaceful together. AARP and the millennial generation can help redesign the life map as millennials. We take pride in shaping our society, tackling social issues, and we value genuine experiences that lead to significant connections. People know that the environment isn't great, but they don't necessarily know what is impacting climate change and what our timeline is looking like. In terms of the air that we breathe, how much longer will be able to breathe this air with networking conferences like Create Cultivate and Broccoli City? AARP engages idea spaces to bring millennials together to nurture peer relationships across all industries. It's really on us to do it. I mean, we cannot depend on the company's corporation. We keep the pressure on them. But it's gonna be about the people continue to be engaged, continuing to keep the conversation life continue to take action. And that's where the power is. I mean, the power really is only with people. What they said was, I do this because I care about my parents, my grandparent's. I can't help them because I'm not nearby, so at least I'm gonna help someone else's parent or grandparent's. Over the past two years, AARP has engaged over 110,000 millennials in messaging around caregiving. Finances disrupt aging and more. As we near membership age, we will continue to look to AARP toe. Help us create the change we want to see in the world, yeah.