Whitman Walker Legal Services

Video Narration


I provided narrator voice over services for the Whitman Walker Clinic, informing audiences about the scope of the organization's legal services. This is the audio portion of a video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Whitman Walker Legal Services program grew out of the AIDS epidemic in the 19 eighties, when thousands of people were fighting for their lives and facing an overwhelming social backlash against HIV. Based on fear and ignorance, Whitman, Walker lawyers and volunteers work day and night toe help patients keep their jobs, stay in their apartments and ensure their right to basic health care and respect. Today, the legal program helps people living with HIV, L, G, B, T, Q persons and others, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation or HIV status are legal. Program now provides legal representation on a range of issues, including access to affordable health care, workplace rights, discrimination, elder rights and immigration relief. All of this work addresses the needs of clients facing multiple stigmas associated with health status, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, immigration, status, income and more way met on a dating site in 2009. We had to keep it as a secret because threatened our safety and life. It's also dangerous to come out there because if you ask to lower to law enforcement or seek protection from police, you probably won't find it. So even when you are abused physically or verbally even, and you decide to ask for protection. You won't get it because it's the same people work in the police. They are not willing to to help. I just started to feel that I am in kind of dangerous. It's like everybody gets me on board. I think that people who know it, it's like they tried to make distance and it waas really painful. In 2014, I was attacked by two young men on beaten um, with two metal pipes. When I came home, I just found, if not laying on the bed on I see a lot of blood on it came from Hiss heads, but I couldn't go to emergency room room with my partner because I was afraid off consequences, and I didn't want to feel even more uncomfortable in that situation. But I felt uncomfortable because they couldn't be next to him in such type of situation. Andi, that was enough to say it's time to live. Yeah, when we came to D. C, we found between Welker organization, first of all, for our health insurance issues, they helped us to get medical help, mental health and then they connected us with a pro bono attorneys That helped us a lot to go through that process of immigration and applying. For a sudden we've got so much support from them. The process was made really on a high level, like just support and care, and it was really unexpected. Ble really helped me to feel better in the process because it's really hard. Whitman Walker Legal Services sees nearly 3000 clients every year, and one out of every five of those is an immigrant. Whitman Walker. Immigration clients also receive help with other legal issues, including access to health insurance and affordable medications, advocacy against discrimination and updated identity documents and name changes for trans clients. Nearly 80% of Whitman Walker legal clients are receiving other integrated services at Whitman Walker Health, including dental services, medical care, medical case management and behavioral health support. Women Walker Legal Services is here to help families stay together to improve community health outcomes and to help immigrants thrive. Our holistic services contribute to safer, healthier and more stable communities. With Whitman Walker, you do have a voice. I was sure 100% that we will win our case. I feel giant gratitude with moonwalker. They helped us a lot on Bond. I think we've got much more than just lawyers. I feel like they are my friends. If you are facing any of the legal issues described in this video, call our legal Services program at 2029397630 or email us at contact. Dash Legal at Whitman Dash, walker dot or GTA.