Ashley Comeau Older Commercial Demo

Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ashley Comb. Oh, a hint of Citrus. Ah, wealth of flowers. A mix of emotions. Clinique. Happy. A very personal gift. Three Earth travels at 66,000 MPH. The human eye blinks once every four seconds. This commercial is already 10 seconds old in a world that moves this fast. How will you keep up McGraw Hill Company? Keeping the world up to speed? It may be engineering, but it feels like intuition. New M. K s from Lincoln. Now it gets interesting introducing Nike will sleep aid because sleep is a beautiful thing. With one of amounts, you can move, grew busted, shake it, get down and get bunking. It's why more people go with Visa. You are a burrito. Actually, I'm a chicken enchilada. Grilled stuffed burrito from Taco Val. Oh, Okay. Fine. Do you have any qualifications? Well, I'm cheesy and sassy. That's not relevant, But I'm sassy