Voice over showreel - British English - warm friendly authoritative

Profile photo for Ashley Malster
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Multiple recordings - many recorded and edited in my home studio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Sophie. Sophie's chosen her home learning course, but she's not sure which modules to pick. Too many students wish they'd chosen differently. Wouldn't it be great if Sophie could choose a module that was relevant and fun to do well? Now she can, with 28 hubs across England. How a science learning partnerships are your local curriculum hub for science. They provide flexible and bespoke support and are a great first point of contact for anyone needing support for science teaching, This company believes in the value of up to date three D asset information on large industrial sites. Many sources of two D and three D information co exist and are used by specialist software and suitably skilled users. Every day the cloud provides new opportunities to do more with data driving faster, agile experiences. But securing that data in the cloud remains a tricky puzzle to solve. With 28 hubs across England, our science learning partnerships are your local curriculum hub for science. They provide flexible and bespoke support and are a great first point of contact for anyone needing support for science teaching