English- theater background

Profile photo for Ashley Neifert
Not Yet Rated


I performed in multiple theter productions growing up including Williams Window, happily never after, Will Roger's follies, pirates of Penzance, Annie, Tounge twisted. This was a monlogue from a show I was in happily never after about how not all stories have a happy ending. I played one of the witc

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, you witches. We've got ourselves a pr problem here. Witches have got a seriously bad reputation here in fairy tale land and it's only getting worse since the Hansel and Gretel incident. I mean, come on, people eating Children, that's just low. The fairies are thinking of getting rid of all magic they can and they will unless we turn things around and prove we can handle having it. They gave it to Fairyland in the first place and now they want it all back because they think we can't handle it. We have a crisis here. I mean, what's a witch without her magic where nothing? I tell you nothing will be a bunch of creepy old hags with bad hair and skin. We have to do a major pr thing. Good deeds and stuff. No, then say poof to your magic and learn to use chopsticks because that's all your wands will be good for we need to do a good deed. Not just any good deed but a whopper of a good one. We're going to save the prince a. K. A sleeping handsome. But think of the pr which is saving the prince who has been put under a sleeping spell and we must do it before some bubble headed princess manages to beat us to it