English, audiobooks and translation

Profile photo for Ashmit Anand
Not Yet Rated


It is an a small part of an audiobook. Done more than 5 audiobooks and could translate in 4 different language.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the world is indeed a complication of joys and sorrows. A continue house play made up of tragedy and comedy, and even in everyday life items, and experience small and unusual to us. Perhaps, his roman hittle story of the heart last saturday, and had appeared in a local paper which read babies, handmade trousseau and baby's bed for sale. Never be knew. The address was on the East Mission Street. This perhaps meant little to the casual reader, yet to the mother who had spent those and days planning the beautiful things for her tiny baby. It meant a keen sorrow and disappointment. She had perhaps dreamed of the time when her little one should be grown up and good with a source of pride. Look back upon its babyhood days and display the handiwork of its mother in the first baby clothes one and the first trundle bed it had slept in when it first opened its eyes upon the beauties of the world.