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This is how I sounded when I broadcasted a baseball game

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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100.7 of all go rocky, bottom of the sixth. Rockies have an 11 1 lead and Frank Gonzales goes to the bullpen as the right hander. Loren's Ozuna is the new pitcher who face the middle of the order for the Raptors, 34 and five. Here is cable Ruiz and Ruiz takes ball one. Ozuna on for the 17th time, one on one with a 5 70 a in 23 2/3 innings. He's allowed 35 hits, 24 runs, 15 of them earned three walks and 20 strikeouts. Has been pitching well of late as the 10 pitch to Ruiz and that's swung on and foul back into the screen. It's one and one. Ozuna has appeared in four games since the All Star break. He has thrown seven and 1/3 innings and allowed just one run on four hits, and he has struck out seven without a walk. So he's pitched well and that's good to see after a rough stretch in the month of July is the 11 from Ozuna swung on. This is fouled off to the left. Ruiz has popped out and singled Rockies about hit the Raptors 13 to 6, outscored them 11 toe. One. Iraqis are gonna try and get these final 12 outs in maintainer actually extend their lead in the division. The one thing and I mentioned this to Frank Gonzalez, I told him before today's game, You know, if you get one, if you get one of these next three, you still feel OK coming out of here. Yeah, you lose three or four and you'll be in second place by 1/2 game. But you feel OK about yourself as the pitch misses down for ball, too, because you'll have 12 games left. Eight of them will be in your ballpark and the team that you will be chasing Ogden. We'll play 12 games and only four of them at home, and you'll get four matchups with them in your ballpark. If you can get a split, though, or if you can win all three of these games, that's a bonus. That's the two to from Ozuna, and a fastball misses in fur ball three. But you feel like if you could hold on and win this game tonight and then you split the next two games, you will feel very good about yourself leaving this ball park on Saturday night. And, of course, that the Rockies do hold on and win here. Then it sets up the swing game tomorrow. The three to swung on in the C is hooked foul down the right field line. If you split here now, while you haven't gained any ground, you haven't lost any either. And you have four games off the schedule. Four road games. Iraqis have been a much better team at home, and the Raptors even more so have been a better team at home. Ogden, in this ballpark this season, is 20 and 11 away from this park there, 10 and 20 and they still have four games in Idaho. Falls was the three to swinging a foul ball into the back stop, and it will stay at 32 We will take a look at the Pioneer League scoreboard mentioned. The Checkers will see how they're doing. First the standings and we will start in the North Division. Great Falls in first place at 14 and nine, Billings and Missoula tied for second. They are 12 and 11. Helena is eight and 14. They are 5.5 games out and feels like they're on life support right now. Here's the 32 pitch to Ruiz swung on in. This is ripped deep into right center field. This one has a chance, but it was it off the wall. Gonzalez will play it off the wall, right at the fence, and then he drops it as Ruiz round second try for third. The throw to third by Taylor Snyder. Ruiz is out at third base. What a great relay throw by Taylor Snyder. It's a double for cable Ruiz, and then the put out goes 865 at third base. You cannot ask for a better relay throw from Snyder. Wow, so it's double number 14 4 Ruiz. So now here's D. J. Peters. And that's a mistake by Ruiz as the pitches taken low for ball one down by 10. Not sure you want to risk anything, though. I don't think that he would have thought taker Snyder would come up with a throw like that. Peters is over two. He struck out both times, so the misplay by Gonzalez goes to the Rockies advantage as Peter's lost this foul down the right field line, and it's one on one. All right, so the scores over in the North Division. Bottom of the fourth billings has a five nothing lead in Missoula. John Sansone, home run. Number five. Taylor Trim. L hit his first home run, which is hard to believe. Hard to believe that guy only has one home run has been a great hitter all year. Bottom floor. Great Falls has a 64 lead in Helena as the 11 that swung on and missed its wanting to Great falls. Just put up a five spot in the fourth inning. Max do dough with home run number six Jackson Glines home run number two, and they are in the bottom of the fifth. In Orem, the Owls lead. Idaho falls three nothing. Here's the 12 for most in a curveball swing and a Miss Peter strikes out third time that he's been gone down on strikes tonight and there's two away