Commercial Believable, Conversational, Professional Demo

Profile photo for Audrey Levy
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Professional, Articulate, Believable, Conversational, sincere, genuine, conversational, funny, amusing
business woman, mom or aunt,

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so I needed legal advice, and I heard that my cousin's white sister's husband was a lawyer, so I called him, but he never called me back. So you know what I did? I called LEGALZOOM. I mean, with the lottery. Connecticut Lottery. Somebody's gotta win. It's never too early to start thinking ahead, and the E Trade Retirement center can help. So relax. You've got plenty of time before you retire. Just make sure you're well prepared when it happens. I'm not a mother. I'm an ant, that breezy single gal with no kids of her own who feels free to tell you how to raise yours. So listen. Levi's jeans for boys. Very cool. Brighton Gardens is more than a lovely place to live. It's a warm, caring, vibrant community. Brighton Gardens by Mary on Your Life just got a little easier. KFC, Chicken and Biscuits. I love you