The Fingerprint Of God by Dr Hugh Ross (Northern Irish Accent)

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This passage deals with or explores so to speak the origin of space ad time and other elements of the universe while focusing on origin of space and time. For this felt to use irish accent to bring sort of classiness in its own way.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello, listeners. Today's passage is titled The Fingerprint of God. The Doctor Here, Ross, we begin Chapter one, a region of space and time from Einstein's work. In general. Relativity came the recognition that there must be in a region for matter and energy from Penrose, Hawking and Alice work. Kind of the acknowledgement that there must be an original for space and time to with the knowledge that time has a beginning and a relatively racing beginning at that all age landing attempts to push away the creation event and that's the creator become absurd. Moreover, the common region of matter, energy in space and time proves that the acts of creation must transcend dimensions and substance of the universe, a powerful argument for the biblical doctrine of a transcendent creator.