Wisdom of Insecurity



Short demo of a reading of \"Wisdom of Insecurity\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wisdom of Insecurity By Alan W. Watts. Chapter one. The Age of Anxiety By all outward appearances, our life is a spark of light between one eternal darkness and another Norris interval. Between these two nights on Unclouded Day, for the more we're able to feel pleasure, the more we're vulnerable to pain and whether in background or foreground, the pain is always with us. We've been accustomed to make this existence worthwhile, but a belief that there is more than the outward of parents that we live for a future beyond this life here, for the outward of parents, does not seem to make sense. If living is to end in pain and completeness and nothingness, it seems a cruel and futile experience for beings who were born to reason. Hope, create and love man as a being of sense once his life to make sense. And he has found it hard to believe that it does so unless there is more than what he sees. Unless there is an eternal order and an eternal life behind the uncertain and Mama Terry experience of life and death. I mean not perhaps before given for introducing sober matters, frivolous notion that the problem of making sense out of the seeming chaos of experience reminds me of my childish desire to send someone a parcel of water in the mail. The recipient unties the string, releasing the delusion ISS lab. But the game would never work, since it's irritatingly impossible to wrap and tie a pound of water in a paper package. There are kinds of paper which will disintegrate, one wet, but the trouble is to get the water itself into any manageable shape and to tie the string without bursting the bundle.