Kearon de Clouet General Reel, Australian, Retail, Corporate, Soft Sell, Hard Sell, On Hold

Profile photo for Kearon de Clouet
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A 'supercut' of a few jobs I've voiced over the past 12 months for TV, Radio, Web and On Hold.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
today. My name's Kieran **** away. I've been doing voice overs for TV, film and radio for about 20 years now. He is my 2018. Real life is busy. There's so much to do. Your time is precious. Wouldn't it be better if you spoke to your customers in the way they prefer for a limited time? Get 50% off all of those mobile plans for the 1st 3 months. In a world where success is measured in milliseconds where decisions are made in the blink of an eye, you'll hear about the cloud, aren't you, Gary? You don't know what the cloud is, do you, Gary? I Because I know what a cloud. Welcome to next on Asia Pacific. Please listen to the options carefully as thie after hours options may have changed. I'm camera guy on and I'm inviting you to plus 10 studios to shoot yourself during our April. I ain't no fool Deal, You know, good coffee is great. And now my coffee can make a great coffee. Even better half price my bile for the 1st 3 months. Don't miss out. Visit over dot com dot Are you now

