Property Gearing Towards Wealth Audiobook



Here's an audio recording by Dave Evans, from the book: 'Property Gearing Towards Wealth'.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one. Know your why set your big picture, lifestyle goals for wealth creation. Welcome to my office for every client who walks through my door. The process starts with goal setting. This is a vital first step to creating their property investment strategy. In this chapter, we'll work on helping you to determine your long-term lifestyle goals. Then look at how you can achieve these goals using property as your vehicle. So have you thought about where you would like to be in 10 or 15 years time? Why have a goal? Because at the end of the day, you need a reason for investing and whether you do it in property or in shares or futures or artworks, you need a vehicle that motivates you to stick to your investment strategy. We're going to begin by looking at the bigger picture of what you're trying to achieve and work backwards to figure out how much money you're going to need to get there. Then we'll look at the different ways of property acquisition strategies that could enable, then we'll look at the different types of property acquisition strategies that could enable you to achieve those goals.