English, I do Drama Arts schooling, I can do many different voices.

Profile photo for Ayden Schumlick
Not Yet Rated


I'm an English Canadian, I take a Drama Arts course in my school so I can learn how to widen the range of my voice and other ways of acting.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
new audio recording. Okay. This is, um, my portfolio. Um, I'm using my Macbook Pro and my amazing Mohenjo Mike, which I think that's what it's called. I have no idea. But um, yeah, so I could do many voices. Like athletic. I could do annoying. I could be like, I can make myself sound like a child. I could make myself sound older. I could get everything I could do, I could do everything most of it. Yeah. But um, I could also make myself himself sound very, just nice words stupid. I could sound stupid. I could strike like this. Yeah. I think this is just one of the just to be like the gist of it anyways. Yeah. Get in contact with me if you want to voice for something.