Upbeat corporate video

Video Narration


BMW's start up programme. An animated corporate video voiced with fresh, dynamic and professional tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
congrats. You made it almost. You started your company. You have a technology that can transform the automotive and mobility industry. You have a great team. You even graduated from a leading accelerator or got initial funding from top investors. What now? What's most important next to make your vision happen? Clients, but not just any right. You need a smart client, one with leading technology and products, one with a powerful global brand, one who can help you refine and shape your product. Make it ready for the rest of the industry. You need a client who becomes your market maker. We want to be that first client for you in the automotive immobility industry, but this we created the BMW startup carriage.