Ayo Haynes - Sounds Good

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's hard to keep my head up with everything going on in the news. Yeah, you're right. It's been hard for us, which is why I'm ready to vote. But what does that do for us? I know Mark Warner and we need him in the Senate. He's helped young people think about becoming entrepreneurs, and he's helped small businesses get loans to stay open during the pandemic. Hmm, That sounds good to me. And you know what else? When he was governor, Mark Warner brought free computer training to our communities. Any created partnerships with tech companies so that we could get the experience to qualify for high tech jobs so we can get ahead jobs that pay well to? And I did see that Mark Warner helped secure about $200 million for our HBC use and made the financial aid process easier. Sure did. That's why we have to vote and vote early to keep Mark Warner in the Senate, because this is our time to make a difference. I'm Mark Warner, candidate for the U. S. Senate, and I approve this message paid for by friends of Mark Warner