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North American (General) US African American


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For centuries, those with extraordinary power have waged a war for supremacy. Now, in between good and evil stands, a warrior names electric. She has mastered the skills of the past. She can leave the shadows of the future. This January from the forces That Brought You X Men. Jennifer Garner Electra What's the toughest thing about being a superhero trying to live a normal life? This'll holiday season. Discover the other side of superheroes you've never seen before. Walt Disney presents a Pixar animation studio. Films The Incredibles When a fortune fell out of the sky, one brother so an opportunity with other saw a chance to save the world way. Searchlight Pictures and Pathe Pictures presents a story of dreams and visions and the power of believing Million's beneath the world's greatest ocean lives a sponge unlike any other. For years he enjoyed a carefree life. But all that is about to change My tomorrow I will roll The World Now will begin a journey to become the hero he was born to be this'll November. Get ready for big surprises when sponge meets world for the very first time Sponge Bob Square pants movie