Commercial Demo

Television Ad


Recorded from my home studio in 2021. Enjoy!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let's be honest, your life's not that predictable. If you can't learn your schedule, house a thermostat, supposed to, this is your peloton, This is Robin. Robin is your instructor today. Robin is not going to go easy on that bus. Stop you wait at. It's a hot spot now too. Pretty sure even that roadside dinosaur statue is a hotspot. Sorry, I meant road dwelling, breaking a saurus. Every superhero has an origin story. We all got our start somewhere for us. It was the US. Air Force 2500. What will your origin story be? A dog? Never worries about whether his for makes him look fat. A dog doesn't hold grudges, doesn't beat himself up endlessly over the little mistakes he's made or even the big ones. Maybe it's being in the setting that's almost as beautiful as she is. Maybe it's the simple luxury of finding a moment in time, whatever it is, there's something different about Amelia Island Marshalls has the new designer handbags, our favorite shoes, top name luggage and more. Must I go on? There's nothing like that moment of learning, and since 85% of brain growth happens by age three now is an important time to support those moments, plus an immediate blast of cooling sensation, feel the clarity and live Claritin cleared.