Phantom Screens Radio Ad

Profile photo for Barton Hill
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


An ad I recorded, edited, mixed and did the VO for Phantom Screens.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you've been thinking about replacing your old window or door screens around the house now is the perfect time to do it, avoid replacing them in the future with phantom retractable screens, phantom screens disappear when you don't need them staying protected in their housing. When you do need them, they roll into place, providing ventilation, solar shading and of course, protection from those pesky bugs. And now, for a limited time, every screen purchase qualifies for a $500 cash prize in honor of our 25th anniversary. We are giving away 25 cash prizes for 25 weeks to find out more. Give phantom a call at 1888 phantom or visit them at phantom screens dot com.