Denver Insurance Demo

Profile photo for Baz Todd
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
buying insurance can be a stressful experience. Tedious, distracting on DH confusing narrative is a welcome respite from the sea of sameness stays today's independent agent landscape. That narrative. We believe that small differences attention to detail on perfecting the art of anticipation, Khun greatly affect a client or prospects perception of what the personal insurance buying experience, Khun B or what he should be. That's why that narrative week rare sense of well being for both our team, internally and for our clients and prospects. We're asking our clients for feedback about what is important to them when working with an agent. Their responses were refreshing, more advice driven, more transparency, more relatable and simplified experience off course. They also wanted assurance that they were receiving the best price on coverage. But more than that, they wanted to work with an agent they could trust. An agent that understands on appreciates their exposures lifestyles on their individual journey. In short, they wanted an agent that appreciates their narrative