

The life of a young woman

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mary Molesworth was a noted Dublin Bell when Robert Rochefort noticed her at Lord Mount Choi's amateur theatricals in 1730. To one of her roles ominously was that of her money in the distressed mother. She was only 16 when she reluctantly married Robert Rochefort. The marriage was not a success, and her husband left her and her Children alone for long periods at Goldstone House. Her friendship with her brother in law Arthur Rochefort, who lived with his family at nearby Belfield, soon arrived Robert suspicions. In 1743, he accused Mary of Adultery and imprisoned her Gallstone. He also pursued his brother Arthur in the courts and successfully sued him for adultery with his wife. Arthur could not pay the £20,000 damages and was imprisoned. Mary was released when Robert died in 1774 and she spent her remaining years with her family, maintaining her innocence to the last