Audiobook Kid's demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am Merlin, Not of the sunlight, not of the moonlight. Not of the Starlight. Half man, half sorcerer. Sweet the wizard who taught me the magic but sweet of the magic for no second rate magician. I know rabbits out of hats. No sawing people in half, for I live in the olden times when magic can do anything and I can do anything with magic. Have you ever noticed how quickly some people do things and how long it takes others to do the same job? Well, I guess we're all just wound up like springs and some of us air tight springs. And some of us are loose ones. Which are you? Do you have a tight spring or a loose one? Do you do things quickly or do you do things slowly? Maybe you're like Mr Harry. Hair was he was fast. Or maybe you're like Tobias Tortoise. He was slow. Let me tell you about them. And then you can draw your own conclusions. That is, if you like to draw conclusions. Have you ever drawn a conclusion, or would you rather draw a house with a chimney? Oh, but that's a silly question. Isn't it. I remember when I won my first race back in the Olympics, there was a couple years back 79 I think the first of many, many to come, you know, I said to myself then I have never been beaten, and I'm never going to be beaten. That is not what I'm really trying. And right then and there, I put out a challenge. And that challenge still stands. Fellas, any rabbit or anyone for that matter here or anywhere else who wants to race me and things he could beat me has the opportunity. Step right up, fellas. I'll take you one at a time. Who wants to race me? Um, I'll take anybody. Two legs, four legs, six legs. Eight. Anyone who's up, who's up for a race? Um, Come on, fellas. Step right up. Seems to be an echo in here. Did somebody say something? I was just saying, uh, I'll race you. That's what I thought. I heard you say That's what I did say when you say it just now, that's when I thought I heard you. You race me? What a riot. Listen to him, fellas. It's like our friend here, Charlie the chipmunk, walking up to Sammy Sosa without batting an eyelash and saying, I could knock out more home runs than you can.