TV-film narration



Originally done for a documentary about Noel Coward.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There is much to recommend. London on a Sunday afternoon in spring, when the grass is newly green and there's a feeling of lightness in the air subconsciously affected by this, the most prosaic citizens frequently give way to a certain abandon. Fathers of families take off their coats and waistcoats and lie on their backs, gazing at the sky. Their wives sit near them, keeping an eye on the Children and allowing the sun to burn semicircular areas of pink on the backs of their necks. Younger people lie unashamedly close, sometimes asleep, sometimes lazily awake, murmuring laconically to each other, sucking sweets, smoking cigarettes relaxed and content soothed in the sensual lassitude by the promise in the air and the gentle weather. As a general rule, decorum is observed, although occasionally passion flames suddenly between them and they lie arms and legs entwine lost in brief ecstasy. Police constables regulate these transient excesses with admirable discretion. Nothing is allowed to get out of control. The decencies are upheld, the birds sing the cries of Children, the barking of dogs. The far off strains of a military band, together with the incessant rumble of traffic in the distance, provides a muted orchestration to this unremarkable and yet, at the same time, unique. London Pastoral