Benjamin Hoffman's Demo reel

Profile photo for Benjamin Hoffman
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


These are some scripts that I wrote myself to show my range as a voice over artist.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
demo reel. Benjamin Hoffman A. There looks like you need a voice for your project, a voice that beautifully paints the picture that you're trying to illustrate to the people you care about, one that understands the importance of the mission you're trying to accomplish, one that not only captivates the audience you're trying to speak with one that cares about you. Lucky for you, that one voice you've been looking for it is heater levy from your stress. It's not just the voice. It's the love for the mission comprehension for the mission. This is voiceover being new. That's always on time. Experience a mind blowing technology in a way that you've never seen before. Make that perfect impression every time you go outside, redefined the way you live with the presence of punctuality on your side with posts, you will always be on time. Howdy, I'm a cowboy. I've been working on the farm since I was just a young, though I do enjoy working with my bare hands. It always seems to take too much time. That's why I decided to go to new reliable and pick me up a tractor that doesn't know new, reliable tractor that gets the job done