High-quality British male voice over

Profile photo for Ben Moody
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


A selection of samples from award-winning feature documentary and TV mini-series narration, to radio jingles, online tutorials and museum exhibit voice over. Recorded both in home studio and professional external studios.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this is Nordic playlist radio. Imagine two of humanity's basic needs. Food and clothing have become pressing social and environmental problems, but each nation has an origin, a golden age, which has made a deep impression on the memory of those who come later. Such a deep impression. The reputation of those who were written about never dies. In these pre ink pen days, scribes would go about their work with a writing tool crafted from the feather of a large bird such as a goose, a raven or an eagle. Supposedly, it was best to use a feather from the left wing as this would fit into the hand. Better provided you a right handed. The feathers hollow shaft would hold the ink, and it was said that scribes would try to get to the end of a line before refilling. This tutorial covers how to post a video from Vimeo or YouTube to a particular network. From your account homepage, click the post content to drop down and choose the network you wish to post. Two. In Russia, three million square kilometres 18% of the country's territory is taken up by tundra all year round. It remains fettered in perpetual ice. The ice stores information about what things were like here in time immemorial. The number of people today dealing with chronic neck pain is vast and growing rapidly. At Netcare, a team of scientists, engineers and medical professionals have developed the next smart system. This is the Nordic playlist live.