English Announcer - CREATIVE PEOPLE

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Announcers are often voice actors who read prepared scripts, but in some cases, they have to ad-lib commentary on the air when presenting news, sports, weather, time, and television commercials. Occasionally, announcers are also involved in writing the screenplay or scripts when one is required.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Now we would like to recognize an individual who's dedicated, loyal, creative, responsible and determined Alexandra. Oh, Samuel Mahia onto our next V. I. P. An individual of passion, willingness who goes about and beyond is unwavering in all she does and an effective communicator. Congratulations general Barrick. This individual has a whatever it takes attitude. She is faithful in service, committed and selfless. Give it up to Nicky Gonzalez. Our next V. I. P. Is a resilient individual who excels in taking ownership and working hard and all she does. She is and persevering and inspiring women announcing Miss Katrina baker. Our next V. I. P. S, passionate, unrelenting, joyful and loyal. Let's give a big round of applause for Miss Idols Claudio.