Field Reporter News Reporter Character



Field Reporter News Reporter Character

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North American (General)


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Thanks Claire. It appears anthem whites had decided to go hiking. We're not sure why now you say you saw them heading into the woods here. What was strange about it. You heard it here first. The search is ongoing. We'll keep you updated with any new information live for Channel 85 to 4 to three. I'm Woodrow chesterfield back to you, Claire. We're joined here by someone who says they have new information regarding anthem lights, sir. What can you tell us? I'm not sure. I understand. Thanks Claire. It appears anthem whites had decided to go hiking. We're not sure why. Now you say you saw them heading into the woods here. What was strange about it? You heard it here first. The search is ongoing. We'll keep you updated with any new information live for Channel 85 to 4 to three. I'm Woodrow chesterfield back to you, Claire. We're joined here by someone who says they have new information regarding anthem lights, sir. What can you tell us? I'm not sure. I understand. Thanks Claire. It appears anthem wise had decided to go hiking. We're not sure why. Now you say you saw them heading into the woods here. What was strange about it? You heard it here first? The search is ongoing. We'll keep you updated with any new information live for Channel 85 to 4 to three. I'm Woodrow chesterfield back to you Claire. We're joined here by someone who says they have new information regarding anthem lights, sir. What can you tell us? I'm not sure. I understand. Thanks Claire. It appears anthem whites had decided to go hiking. We're not sure why. Now you say you saw them heading into the woods here. What was strange about it? You heard it here first? The search is ongoing. We'll keep you updated with any new information live for Channel 85 to 4 to three. I'm with joe chesterfield. Back to you. Claire. We're joined here by someone who says they have new information regarding anthem lights, sir. What can you tell us? I'm not sure. I understand. Thanks Claire. It appears anthem lights had decided to go hiking. We're not sure why. Now. You say you saw them heading into the woods here. What was strange about it? You heard it here first. The search is ongoing. We'll keep you updated with any new information live for Channel 85 to 4 to three. I'm Woodrow chesterfield back to you, Claire. We're joined here by someone who says they have new information regarding anthem lights, sir. What can you tell us? I'm not sure. I understand