Roberto Jolliffe Animation Characters Voice Over Part 3



3rd of the 3 part series that I run thru a variety of characters, to provide a range of abilities.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wow, Detective. Is that your latest disguise? No one will ever recognize you, sir. You're the best undercover cop on the force. Oh, by the way, I brought you to file in the widow casino. Tall redhead, Purple suit. No buttons. Maybe we'd better take it downtown, huh, sir? Wow. Wow, Detective, is that your latest disguise? No one will ever recognize you, sir. You're the best undercover cop on the fourth. Oh, by the way, I brought you to file on the widow casino. Tall redhead, Purple suit. No buttons. Maybe we better take her downtown. Uh huh, sir. Well, it's morning. All right, But we'll just have to wait and see how good it turns out to me when we hear the weather. One part? Sure, Sonny. That means high. What a surprise. Another hot day in the jungle crowds who likes cloth. The silly thing just blocked the sun. Looks like a day that can't make up his mind to me. I don't need to be teared up. I just like to have some fun