Technology Nikon Explainer Philly New York Native Urban Accent Camera

Video Narration


Tech Nikon Explainer Philly New York Native Urban Technology Camera

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Yeah, ready for the tech details from wheels. Really cool photo let's go. This image was taken with a Nikon d 700 using a Nikon 50 millimeters F 14 lens set at F nine at I S 0 200. The camera was set to large flying Jpeg mode, manual exposure, of course, manual focus And the shadow was set to 1 125th of a second. The color you see is the original unmodified Jpeg file and all that color came from setting the camera to vivid color mO. That's kept clean by using a custom white balance mode measured off of a great car that's gonna produce gorgeous S RGB Jpeg that measured just over 4200 by 2800 pixels right out of the camera and ready to rock later.