Yesterdays Negro League Historical Narration Narrator Black Urban

Video Narration


Yesterdays Negro League Historical Narration Narrator Black African American Urban

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


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The first viable Black League was established in 1920 under the leadership of Rube Foster. The National ***** League was a necessity born out of racism and segregation rather than choice. In 1952, more than 150 African American baseball players, most from the ***** Leagues had been signed to Major League baseball. Most of these players are deceased while never achieving their dream to play in the majors. The few remaining have been regulated to a position of obscurity. The surviving players of the ***** Leagues established the yesterday's ***** League Baseball Players Foundation in 1996. In their devotion to making sure history remembers the players and they remember each other. 2020 marked the 1/100 anniversary of ***** leagues baseball and committed to the preservation, dedication and education of his history that yesterday's ***** League Baseball Players Foundation started to save the legacy campaign to recognize the greatness and honor achieved by the ***** league players whose dedication to the sport of baseball changed the face of our nation in so many ways. Through the handwork of Y. N. L. B. P and the various ***** leagues family estates. The bill to designate May 20th as ***** leaguers recognition day in the state of michigan was accepted. As you can see, please visit yesterday's ***** league dot com